Harvest time, ripening patterns and quality of Japanese plums
L. Kruger , N, Cook and D.M. Holcroft
Dept. of Horticulture, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1325; Dept. of Horticultural Science, Univ. of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
‘Pioneer’ and ‘Sapphire’ plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.) were classified as having a climacteric ripening pattern, while ‘Songlod’ and ‘Angeleno’ were classified as having a suppressed climacteric based on ethylene production. Fruit was harvested from each of the four cultivars 5-6 times during the picking period and stored at –0.5 oC for 5 weeks. Fruit were removed from storage weekly and evaluated immediately and again after 7 days at 15 oC. In all cultivars, the drop in firmness vetween harvest dates was not as great as expected. In the case of ‘Pioneer’ and ‘Sapphire’ , a significant reduction in firmness occurred after 7 days at 15 oC without a cold storage period, whereas ‘Songlod’ required cold storage in order to soften. Firmness of ‘ Angeleno’ Plums changed relatively little during storage at –0.5 oC and 7 days at 15 oC. It may be possible to use ripening patterns to predict postharvest respones and develop handling procedures for a wide range of plum cultivars.