
Mango production and marketing in Zanzibar: potential, issue and constraints

Niyibigira, E.I., Lada, V.Y. and Abdullay, Z.S.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 621: 89-93.



Mango Production and Marketing in Zanzibar : Potential, Issue and Constrains

The paper examines: 1) market prospects; 2) ability of exporters to expand trade; 3) potential of farmers to expand the supply of popular variety, Boribo mango through planting; 4) the role of government in stimulationg production and marketing; and 5) the constraints like suitability of a few varieties for export, seasonal variability in output; pests and disease problem particularly the Mango fruitfly, Ceratitis cosyra, high freight changes, limited cargo speace and lack of technical know-how on scientific. It also identifies the steps under taken by government to remove the constraints to promote exports, like expanding nurseries, pricing, extension and training and research. The establishment of a strong research and development base is regarded a key contributory factor influencing the success of the mango trade. This in clude finding ways of prolonging the shelf life of fruit so theat it can be made available for longer periods in the international market. Recently there is significant demand for mango for export, mainly to Gulf countries. The demand for mango in Gulf countries is higher during October-March, which is the off-season for the major suppliers, India and Pakistan. Mango exports have been consistently rising from 16 tons in 1992, 36 tons in 1994 to about 100 tons in 1995 worth $60,000 of which $18,000 was earned by farmers. Mango exports are projected to reach 2,000 tons worth $1 million by 2007. Data on current production by area are provided.