
The effect of harvesting time on the biochemical and ultrastructural changes in Idared apple.

Etelka Kovács and P. Merész

ACTA ALIMENTARIA Vol 33. No. 3, 2004. September Pp. 285-296.



The effect of harvest on the biochemical and ultrastructural changes in apple cv. Idared

Apples were harvested in three different times . After harvest for one week the ethylene content was measured for determination of ripeness stage of apple . During storage the distribution of calcium and potassium were investigated . The ion leakage was measured . The ultrastructure of cell wall was studied by NSEM and TEM . The activity of â - galactosidase and polygalacturonase were determined . Total galacturonic acid and sugars released from cell wall were determined partly by GC - MS . The firmness was also measured .