

แสงไทย พจน์สมพงส์ และ สุเมธ สุพิชญางกูร

รายงานประจำปี 2527 กองพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมสัตว์น้ำ กรมประมง หน้า 15-19.




Freshness of short-bodied mackerel immediately after being landed at various fish ports and those displayed in the markets close to the landing places were investigated.Source of fishing gear, time storage, handling method and temperatures of fish were also recorded.Mean of K-value of fish at fishing ports was 38.4% (range 15.7% - 61.1%)and the markets was 44% (range 26% - 62%).Fish caught by Thai purse seine of 4-5 hrs.Storage in slush ice was classified to be top in freshness.Freshness of fish from bamboo stake trap of 2-3 hrs.storage without ice was slightly lower than that of Thai purse seine and freshness of fish from trawler was classified to be unacceptable.The freshness of fish from each source varied with the length of storage time} amount of ice to used maintaining temperature of fish at the minimum level and method of chilling and handling.It was shown that consumers who live near the fish landing areas still have chance to consume short-bodied mackerel of acceptable to good level inquality and at the same time poor quality of fish is also accepted.