

แสงไทย พจน์สมพงส์, สุเมธ สพิชญางกูร, ฤทัย ศักดิ์สุภา, สว่าง พัฑฒฆายน และ ศิโรจน์ ดุละลัมพะ

รายผลการปฏิบัติงานประจำปี 2524 กองพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมสัตว์น้ำ กรมประมง หน้า 59-83



วิธีการเก็บรักษาสัตว์น้ำทะเลในการลำเลียงขนส่ง Handling and Transportation of Marine Fish Handling and transportation of marine fish were investigated along various coastal provinces in Thailand.The aim of the study was to collect problems and needs associated with handling and transportation of marine fish o­n board and o­n land.Handling of fish o­n board classified by type of fishing gear including fishing method, catch, fishing time, the use of labours, cost and handling method which were concluded that freezing system o­n board was used in the trawler which went fishing at the period of 3c-45 days.The smaller trawler which spent the time of fishing lesser than 20 days still used ice for chilling fish. A number of plastic boxes were extensively used for handling fish in the trawl fishing boats, however wooden boxes were still used.Pelagic fish caught by purse seiners were preserved by the use of chilled sea water system.Small-insulated boxes were used for chilling fish in some type of small fishing boats. The price of fish did not o­nly depend o­n fish quality.It depended o­n demand and supply of the market.It was found that fresh marine fish were rather poor in quality because of the long fishing trip especially the fish preserved in trawl fishing boat,and also improper handling.Although there were difficulties in the improvement of fresh fish quality,technology transfer concerning proper handling method and nutrition technology still need to be conducted through fishermen, fish buyers and consumers.Transportation of fish o­n land also need to be improved so that fish of good quality will be able to be distributed to consumers.