

แสงไทย พจน์สมพงส์, ศิโรจน์ ดุละลัมพะ, สุเมธ สุพิชญางกูร และ สมนึก มงคลเสรีชัย

รายงานวิชาการและการทดลองประจำปี 2525-2526 กองพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมสัตว์น้ำ กรมประมง หน้า 79-86




Total production of Sepat-Siam (Trichogaster pectoralis) in 1981 was 18,384 tons and it was estimated that 80% of the production was processed as dried product.In a processing plant, a number of workers were employed for scaling and gutting large amounts of fish.The existing practice in scaling fish is the use of a galvanized iron spoon for each worker and the time required for scaling o­ne fish is about 15-20 seconds.To reduce the time and increase efficiency of the process, a scaling machine should be used in the plant.This is the reason that the fish Process Engineering Section has designed and fabricated a fish scaling machine so that it will be introduce to the processors. The machine consists of a steel drum used for loading and unloading fish for loading and unloading fish for scaling; the drum is drilled thoroughly for water draining; another assembly is a water pipe which is drilled to 41 holes along the length of the pipe and inserted in the center of the drum.Water is delivered from a water pump with a sufficient pressure so that water from the 41 holes will be squirted into the fish for scaling.The structure of the machine is shown in figure 1-3.To test the efficiency of the machine, 10 kilograms of fish were fed into the drum and it was manually rotated at 5 r p m while water was being delivered at the rate of 30 psi.The machine has been operated for many times until the result was shown that fish scales could be removed 60%within 5 minutes without bruising the skin of fish.Fish scales could be also removed 95-100% but the skin would bruise and result in inferior appearance and it took a lot of times.Therefore, the effective operation for scaling of Sepat-Siam is to scale the fish in for 5 minutes and unload fish for continuous scaling by using spoon.It is estimated that o­ne fish will be scaled for 3 seconds in the machine and scales remaining will be removed for 4 seconds by using spoon, therefor the overall time spent for scaling o­n fish is 7 seconds which is less than 2 – 3 times in comparison with the use of spoon o­nly.In addition, the amount of fish can be added by extending the drum and water pipe.In this case,a large amount of fish can be scaled more quickly.