Group specific PCR-detection of potential trichothecene-producing Fusariumspecies in pure cultures and cereal samples.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 21: 618-631.
A PCR based assay (Tox5 PRC) which analyses fusarium species potentially producing trichothecenes was developed using a pair of primers derived from the DNA-se-quencd of the trichodiene synthase gene (tri5). The primer pair was tested using DNA isolated from a variety of strains representing 64 species and varieties of fusarium as well as from other fungi, bacteria and cereals. A 658 bp PCR fragmen was specifically amplified with DNA isolated from strains of species belonging to the Fusarium sections Discolor, Sporotrichiella,Arthrosporiella, Gibbosum and ‘Dlaminia’. Results of the PCR developed correlated well with liteature data on the trichothecene producing capabilities of the respective species. Using the Tox5 PCR assay, potential trichothecene producing fusaria were detected in contaminated cereals and malts. Intensities of the signals produced were well correlated with the concentration of DON in samples of wheat.