
Methyl jasmonate-induced suppression of anthracnose rot in tomato fruit

Nikos G. Tzortzakis

Crop Protection, Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2007, Pages 1507-1513



Methyl jasmonate-induced suppression of anthracnose rot in tomato fruit

Anthracnose rot (Colletotrichum coccodes) development in vitro or in tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was evaluated after treatment with methyl jasmonate (MJ; 44.8 μl l1) or chlorine (48 ml l1) and storage at 12 °C and 95% relative humidity during or following exposure to the volatiles. Fruit treated with MJ-vapours reduced fungal spore germination/production, but had no effect o­n fungal mycelium growth. Fruit lesion development accelerated after fruit exposure in pure (100% v/v) volatile vapours. However, sanitary dips of pre-treated fruit with MJ resulted in 20% suppression of fungal development in wound-inoculated fruit and storage in ‘ambient air’. The benefits associated with volatile-enrichment which was maintained in fruit pre-exposed to vapours, resulted in suppression in spore germination and spore production. However, studies performed o­n fungi raised o­n Potato Dextrose Agar revealed fewer direct effects of volatiles o­n fungal colony development and spore germination per se, implying that suppression of pathogen development was due in a large part to the impact of volatiles o­n fruit–pathogen interactions and/or ‘memory’ effects o­n fruit tissue. Work is currently focussing o­n the mechanisms underlying the impact of volatiles o­n disease development. The results of this study indicate that volatiles may be considered as an alternative to the traditional post-harvest sanitizing techniques. Each commodity needs to be individually assessed, and the volatile concentration and sanitizing technique optimized, before the volatile treatment is used commercially.