
Sensory evaluation and peach fruit quality

S. Predieri, P. Ragazzini, R. Rondelli

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 713:429-434. 2006.



Sensory evaluation and peach fruit quality

Product quality directly relates to costumer satisfaction, thus it is important to define peach quality o­n the basis of consumer requirements and acceptance. Consumer science states that for a favourable purchase decision appearance (visible quality) of fruit is a primary criterion, specific consumer tests can assess fruit visual appeal. As related to eating quality, peach flavour depends o­n a delicate balance of sugars, acids, phenolics, and aromatic compounds, with a number of additional factors, such as pulp texture, also influencing perceived quality. Sensory evaluation is a unique source of information for monitoring and enhancing peach fruit eating quality. Sensory traits of peaches and nectarines from Regione Emilia Romagna, that received from UE the IGP label (Protected Geographical Indications), were investigated. Sensorial profiles of the cultivars ‘Big Top’ (Yellow Nectarine), ‘Caldesi 2000’ (White Nectarine), ‘Royal Gem’ (Yellow Peach), ‘Silver Rome’ (White Peach) were identified with the contribution of trained assessors with the aim of developing standard peach fruit sensory evaluation protocols for monitoring fruit quality and evaluating standard and new cultivars. Acidity, astringency and sweetness were the traits found more consistently with a positive correlation with overall appreciation.