
Influence of post-harvest treatments on quality of Galia melons during low temperature storage

Z. Ilić, E. Fallik

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 729:417-421. 2007.



Influence of post-harvest treatments on quality of Galia melons during low temperature storage

A new post-harvest treatment for ‘Galia’-type melons has been developed for simultaneously clearing and disinfecting using hot water and brushes. Pre-storage heat treatment appears to be o­ne of the most promising in post-harvest control decay. The efficiency of HWRB treatment was dependent o­n the temperature used and time of exposure. Fruits were placed o­n rotating brushes and rinsed with tap water followed by a hot water rinse (HWRB) at 50, 54, 58 and 60 ±1°C for 15 sec. The fruits were removed from the cartons and hand-sprayed until completely coated hand-sprayed with Zivdar wax (Safepack, Raanana, Decco, Israel) for melons, containing 2% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate (SBS) incorporated into wax represented the current commercial treatment. After drying, melons were repacked in the cartons and stored for 14 days at 2°C and 5°C and up to 5 days at 20°C (shelf life during retail and marketing). The optimal treatment to reduce decay while maintain fruit quality after prolonged storage and marketing simulation was 60 ±1°C for 15 sec. Treatment includes hot water drenching (60°C for 10-15 sec) applied while the fruit is rolling o­n soft brushes and followed by coating with a wax preparation containing 2% sodium bicarbonate. The efficacy of the new post-harvest practice (hot water washing, coating with wax preparation containing sodium bicarbonate) was confirmed in Galia melons. This practice improved the general appearance and reduced post-harvest decay while maintaining fruit quality.