
The application of short term CA storage in retail packaging postponement for shredded green papaya

K. Tanprasert, N. Jaikaew

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 746:487-493. 2007.



The application of short term CA storage in retail packaging postponement for shredded green papaya

Packaging postponement is a relatively new logistical strategy that is speculated to be used in food industry in the future to reduce inventory level, risk of mismatch in demand and supply and cost of transportation. Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage was proposed to be used as a mean to preserve the quality of shredded green papaya while the packaging operation is postponed. The atmosphere of 5% carbon dioxide yielded the most suitable product for packaging postponement before packed into a foam tray with polyvinylchloride wrap when compared to normal air, 1% oxygen, 5% oxygen and 10% carbon dioxide.