
Measurement of the physical properties of cabbage

H. Ito

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 746:495-500. 2007.



Measurement of the physical properties of cabbage

The strength (penetrability) of cabbage was measured using an autograph equipped with a long needle. Then a cabbage cut vertically in half was examined. Juiciness was measured using the same autograph equipped with a metal disk. Both soft, juicy and hard, less juicy cabbages were examined, and the autograph confirmed that the former was softer and juicier than the latter. In addition, large-cut cabbage was less juicy than small-cut cabbage. The cabbage midrib could be identified o­n the time-kgf chart when penetrability was measured. Thus, measuring the strength and juiciness of whole cabbage is possible using an autograph.