
Potential of Trichoderma spp. and hot water treatment for control of grapevine anthracnose

I.S. Sawant, S.D. Sawant

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 785:301-304. 2008.



Potential of Trichoderma spp. and hot water treatment for control of grapevine anthracnose

Preliminary studies indicated that E. ampelina (de Bary) Shear is not eliminated from lesions o­n mature shoots even after 48 hrs dip in carbendazim 0.05% or COC 0.15% solution. The hot water treatment of 50°C for 30 minutes, generally considered as safe for grapevine cuttings (Waite, 2005), was also not effective in inactivating the inoculum. In vitro studies with Trichoderma spp. indicated significant mycoparatism of E. ampelina within a few hours of coming in contact. The mycoparasite caused lysis of hyphae as well as the spores. In in planta studies, E. ampelina could not be isolated from stem lesions pasted with Trichoderma spp. containing 2 x 108 spores ml-1, indicating effective parasitization of the pathogen in the lesions, thus showing potential for elimination of the stem borne inoculum. These techniques could be useful for treatment of infected planting material for raising disease free nursery for treatment of infected planting material.