
The bigger the cherries, the better the income?

J. Ladner, M. Zürcher, Y. Leuenberger, T. Schwizer

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 795:767-774. 2008.



The bigger the cherries, the better the income?

In Switzerland, sweet cherries for fresh fruit markets are produced o­n ~450 ha. Three quality classes are defined: Class I, Extra Class and Premium Class. Economic studies have identified four main factors that influence the producer’s income and which are directly linked to the choice of cherry variety: 1) the fraction of Class Premium cherries; 2) the fraction of Class Extra cherries; 3) the total yield of cherries; and 4) the harvest performance. Thus, it is important to know which cherry varieties are outstanding performers with regards to these four key criteria. Agroscope FAW Wädenswil has mechanically calibrated all cherries in its trials since 2003. This article compares calibration data of promising cherry varieties for the 2003 and 2004 seasons. The impact of these data o­n the producer’s income is discussed by means of an economic model calculation.