
Non destructive quality measurements on apples

S. Gabioud, D. Baumgartner, F. Gasser, Y. Kneubühler, S. Lattmann, E. Höhn

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 796:217-224. 2008.



Non destructive quality measurements on apples

Quality traits of apples such as flesh firmness, total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA) determine consumer’s choice. The classical Magness-Taylor (MT) type of firmness tester or TSS determination using a refractometer are destructive and site specific methods. Thus, efforts are pursued to develop non destructive techniques to measure quality attributes of apples and/or other fruit. The NIR-Case instrument (SACMI, Imola, I) has recently become commercially available and can be used to measure quality traits of intact fruit. This instrument has to be calibrated based o­n measurements with reference methods o­n the same sample. The quality of apples stored up to ten months in regular and controlled atmosphere was monitored using both the NIR-Case instrument and reference methods. For firmness a correlation of 86% was found between NIR and MT-firmness measurements. Encouraging correlations were also obtained for TSS and TA. However, although performance of the NIR-Case instrument seems promising, an all-embracing evaluation of its reliance must include further assessment of effects among other parameters such as cultivar, origin and year.