Effect of different pre-harvest conditions on the postharvest keeping quality of cut gerbera
E. Davarynejad, A. Tehranifar, Z. Ghayoor, G.H. Davarynejad
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 804:205-208. 2008.
The horticultural product marketability is strongly affected by quality loss during the postharvest chain. Production of floricultural plants in greenhouses is possible by controlling several growth conditions such as air temperature, air humidity, light intensity and quality, plant density and nutrition. According to the growth strategy many combinations of these conditions are possible. The initial state at the harvest time depends on pre-harvest condition. The aim of the present study was the measurement of the effects of different pre-harvest conditions on postharvest behavior of cut gerbera. Two cultivars of gerbera were grown at different air temperatures (20, 24 and