
External quality and physiological changes in longkong fruit (Aglaia dookkoo Griff) during storage at various relative humidity

I. Lichanporn, V. Srilaong, C. Wongs-Aree, S. Kanlayanarat

ISHS Acta Horticulturae804:373-378. 2008.



External quality and physiological changes in longkong fruit (Aglaia dookkoo Griff) during storage at various relative humidity

The physicochemical and physiological changes in longkong fruit stored at 70, 80 or 90% relative humidity (RH) at 25°C were determined. The overall fruit quality declined most rapidly at 70% RH due to peel browning and weight loss. The fruits also showed higher respiration and ethylene production rates than those at 80-90% RH. RH effects o­n ascorbic acid, soluble solids and acidity contents were not clear. Shelf life was mainly limited by peel browning and was o­nly about 4 days at 70% RH and 12 days at 80-90% RH. The increased disease infection at 90% RH contributed to higher browning of fruits than at 80% RH.