Short storability after removal of astringency by dry-ice treatment in various cultivars and some trials of storability improvement in persimmon
H. Itamura, N. Sun, C. Xu, A. Nakatsuka, Y. Hanaoka, S. Naritoku, T. Nakamoto, K. Akaura
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 804:55-62. 2008.
Different methods of removal of astringency were conducted to persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruit to confirm their different effects on fruit storability after removal of astringency (R.A.). Oriental persimmon fruit of 11-12 oriental cultivars were treated with dry-ice after harvest in both 2003 and 2007 years. We adopted the days reaching softening degree 3 as the fruit storability index. Among all the cultivars, ‘Miyazakitanenashi’ and ‘Zenjimaru’ showed high storability after R.A. ‘Hirata¬nenashi’ had a medium storability and ‘Saijo’ showed a low storability and began to sharply soften 2 days after R.A., reaching softening degree 3 at day 5-6. The storability varied 5 to 22 days and there were some relationship between fruit storability and their cultivars. Otherwise on-tree alcohol trial was conducted to gain an effective method for inhibiting softening of persimmon fruit after R.A., considering the characteristics that the fruit which astringency is removed on a tree generally maintain their firmness when it is still left on a tree.