Quality management to enhance effective supply chains for mangoes and rambutans in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia and Australia
Brian Thistleton, Peter Stephens, Jose R. Liberato, Barry Conde, Muji Rahayu, Herman Suheri, Mursal, Nurul Hidayah, Moh. Yunus, Yenny Wahyuni, Nurachman, Zainuri, Ira Soraya, Ulyatu Fitrotin, I. Putu Cakra, Suhardi, Moh. Hadi Utama.
Program and Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, November 3-7 2008, Bogor, Indonesia. 215 pages.
The project, which started in June 2008, aims to develop effective, competitive supply chains that deliver high quality mango and rambutan fruit into profitable, higher value, markets from NTB. This will be achieved, through the improvement of pre- and post-harvest quality management strategies, linked to the development of effective supply chains penetrating markets in Indonesia and internationally.