
Physical chemical properties and sensory analysis of banana (‘Musa (ABBB group) ‘Kluai Teparod’) fruit

Adisak Joomwong

Abstracts of 27th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition (IHC 2006), August 13-19, 2006, COEX (Convention & Exhibition), Seoul, Korea. 494 pages.



Physical chemical properties and sensory analysis of banana (‘Musa (ABBB group) ‘Kluai Teparod’) fruit Banana Musa (ABBB group) Kluai Teparod were harvested at mature green and allowed to ripen in a room at 20°C (RH 85-90%).Some physical (texture and colour), chemical (soluble solids and starch) properties, and sensory attributes (appearance, flavour, odour, colour, firmness and acceptability) of banana fruit were determined in order to assess quality and consumer acceptability.Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between values of texture, colour of peel and pulp of each ripening stages, and also between soluble solids and starch.Taste of panelist preferred the appearance and colour of fruit at stage 3 (a more green than yellow) to stage 4 (yellow) of ripening stages with fruit was softening and highest acceptable score.