
Effect of 1-MCP in combination with CaCl2 on postharvest storage and quality of green olives

Ali A. Ramin, M. Mackvandi and S. Shahpouri

Abstracts, 10th International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, 4-7 April 2009, Antalya, Turkey. 80 pages.



Effect of 1-MCP in combination with CaCl2 on postharvest storage and quality of green olives

Green olives cultivars “Conservolea” and “Mission” were harvested at the mature green stage and either treated with 1­methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) in concentration of 1.8 ml.l-1 for 24 h at 20°C or non-treated as a control. Both, treated and non-treated fruits then immersed in water containing CaCl2 of 0 (control), 50 and 100 mM for 2 h under 1.2 bar pressure. Fruits were then surface dried and put into the plastic basket and stored at 6°C and relative humidity of 80% on refrigerators for 13 weeks. The non-l-MCP treated fruit softened within 6 weeks after harvest. While, the 1-MCP treatment inhibited fruit softening and color changes. Treated fruit by CaCl2 resulted in delay in fruit softening, but has no effects on fruit color. Treated fruits with combination of 1-MCP and CaCl2 were supper in preventing fruit softening and losing green color and fruits remained for 13 weeks at 6°C with minimum loss.