
Contemporary packaging design trends

Rupert Andrew Hurley and Jessica Laconte

Symposium Guide, 24th Symposium on Packaging, May 17-20, 2009, Greenville, SC, USA. 54 pages.



Contemporary packaging design trends


This oral presentation will overview a large packaging design research project that was conduced over the past 5 months at the Sonoco Institute for Packaging Design and Graphics.  The study will continue until April 2009.  Packaging across cosmetics, home goods food, and beverage were analyzed for form, line, shape, texture, color and pattern.  The test market included national and international packaging launched in Q3 2007, 2008, and Q1 2009.  The result of the study include current trends in each subject category, growth rates, changeovers, rebranding, color changes, and structural changes.  The presentation will focus on unique and modern packaging and will make future predictions on ideal graphics, type, labeling, and highlighting for 2010.  The presentation will also incorporate the packaging design activities within the Sonoco Institute of packaging of Packaging Design and Graphics @ Clemson University.  As design trends are presented, solutions and design innovations will be revealed.  Audience will leave knowing what is new on the market, future prediction for design trends, and what tools are available to update and improve current packaging.