Sending the right product
Vicky Kippin-O'Connor
Book of abstracts, APS2010 & SEAsia2010 & GMS2010, August 2-4, 2010, Radisson Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
One of the major marketing issues for farmers is to be sure they are sending to market produce that is in demand or at least will be acceptable to their selling agent and his customers.
While growers and merchants are very familiar with the characteristics and variations in their produce, they don't always see these characteristics in the same terms. They are looking at the produce from different perspectives. For efficient and effective marketing, it is important that all links in the supply chain understand what each link is referring to when talking objectively about the condition of the product.
The development of a Product Description Language is an attempt to make sure that all supply links are using the same language. This will facilitate constructive discussion and from there, the responsible party can take positive action.
A Product Description Language can take out of the supply chain costs that result from misunderstanding or through misdiagnosis of the problems. This should be expected to improve total value delivered to all participants in the chain.
In Australia, the proponents of formalizing Product Description Language for a particular product often found resistance from the longstanding participants at all levels of the supply chain. Many believed it really wasn't necessary and would just add more paperwork or red tape to the already onerous burden.
In the Banana Industry, it was not until representatives from each supply link gathered to settle the issue of PDL development, that they all came to realized just how varied their separate descriptions of the same characteristic really could be.
Product Description Language has led the way to more accurate Quality Specifications, Industry Standards and helped in clearer Food Safety Programs.