
Quality of cut patumma cv. Chiang Mai Pink after stored at low temperatures with different packing treatments

K. Yimpak and U. Chanasut

Abstracts Book, 6th International Postharvest symposium, 8-12 April 2009, Antalya, Turkey. 256 pages.



Quality of cut patumma cv. Chiang Mai Pink after stored at low temperatures with different packing treatments

The effects of low temperature storage and packing treatments on the postharvest quality of cut patumma cv. Chiang Mai Pink inflorescences were investigated. Cut patumma inflorescences were either wet packed or dry packed in fiberboard cartons and stored at 5, 8, 15°C and 27°C (a control treatment) for 2,4,6,8 and 10 days. The results showed that patumma can be stored in a wet pack at 5°C or 15°C and in a dry pack at 15°C up to 4 days with no sign of chilling injury symptom. Storage at 5°C in dry packs longer than 4 days caused chilling injury on comma bract and bracts color became dark brown, as a result, the vase life of patumma decreased. Wrapping the inflorescences with different packing materials also affected the postharvest qualities of cut patumma. Polypropylene film wrapping the inflorescences which were wet packed and stored at either 5°C gave longer shelf life compared to those wrapped in proof paper. Polypropylene film reduced water loss and water uptake of the inflorescence therefore the flowers had the highest remaining fresh weight. However, the storage temperatures and packing materials did not affect the C02 production of the inflorescences as they were not significantly different among the treatments. Ethylene production could not be detected from the inflorescence during the experiment.