
Key performance indicators in baby corn supply chain in Thailand

A. Rattanachai, T. Wasusri, V. Srilaong, K. Tanprasert, and S. Kanlayanarat

Book of Abstracts, Southeast Asia Symposium Quality and Safety of Fresh and Fresh Cut Produce Greater Mekong Subregion Conference on Postharvest Quality Management in Chains, August 3-5, 2009, Radisson Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.



Key performance indicators in baby corn supply chain in Thailand

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are financial and non-financial measures or metrics used to help an organization to define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of aring progress towaeds its long-term organizational goals. KPI is then a mirror to reflect the performance of its organization. The keys to selecting KPI lie in selecting indicators that are a) quantifiable, and b) critical to the organization’s goals. Nowadays, competition between organizations has moved to competition between supply chains. To have KPI to monitor overall supply chains is crucial. The Supply Chain Operation Reference Model provided a guidance on the types of indicators that decision makers can use to develop a balanced approach towards measuring the performance of an overall supply chain. The SCOR model advocates a set of supply chain performance indicators as a combination of reliability measures (e.g. delivery, fill rate, perfect order fulfillment), cost measures (e.g. total supply chain management cost, cost of good sold), flexibility measures (e.g. supply chain response time, product flexibility), responsiveness measures (e.g. order fulfillment lead time), and asset measures (e.g. cash cycle time, inventory days of supply).

                Agri-food products are majority of Thai export. Thailand is the largest exporter of baby corn in the world. In 2007, the production area is around 90,000 hectares and value about 1,166 million Baht. The demand of baby corn continues to increase. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a conceptual model for key performance indicators for Thai baby corn supply chains. Finally, we propose the measurement of the performance of baby corn supply chains to consist of six main categories that are reliability, cost, flexibility, responsiveness, asset, and product quality. Those categories are identified as key performance indicators of baby corn supply chain performance measurement system.