
The off season USA mango market. The equilibrium price path of a window illusion

E. Gallo

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 820:97-104. 2009.



The off season USA mango market. The equilibrium price path of a window illusion


After a boom in the mango market for exports from Peru to the USA, in February 2002 the shipping point prices fell to US $ 3.50 from 5.50 per box of 4 kg the previous year. In the very best market window from August to December - after the season ends in Mexico and before the Ecuadorian season starts- in the weeks number 40 to 48, Brazilian mango growers faced a huge decline in prices from about $ 7 a box to $ 2.5. Mango growers from the southern hemisphere should be aware of this phenomenon. Our work analyzes hundreds of thousands of market observation to explore the causes of the phenomenon. Based on it we analyze the real value of certain market windows, which in fact might be only illusions. This approach can be used in analyzing market opportunities, in the elaboration of business plans and in marketing strategies, not only for mango but also for other horticultural products, helping to define sector and country strategies.