
Package of practices for strawberry cultivation with modern techniques under north Indian plains

R. Singh, R.R. Sharma, A. Kumar and D.B. Singh

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 842:607-610. 2009.



Package of practices for strawberry cultivation with modern techniques under north Indian plains


Studies were conducted to standardize the package of practices of strawberry cultivation with modern techniques under northern Indian Plains. Micro-irrigation system has been found to be quite successful for its remunerative cultivation. Use of micro-sprinkler during early stage and drip system during flowering and fruiting has given encouraging results. Further, with the use of micro-sprinkler, its planting can be done up to mid-September, which reduces plant mortality and enhances fruit yield significantly compared to the traditional method and increases the period of fruit availability (mid-January to March). The use of plastic tunnels during night (5 pm to 9 am) enhances fruiting and flowering by two weeks and fruit yield by 27%. Bed planting coupled with micro irrigation system, strawberry cultivation with plant population of 90,000 to 1,00,000 plants/ha has proved to be optimum for harvesting fruit yield of 18-20 t/ha. By following above-mentioned techniques, a grower can get fruit yield of 15-20 t/ha with a profit margin of 7,500-10,000 US $/ha/annum in north Indian Plains.