
Influence of ethylene absorber on shelf life of papaya

P.C. Corrêa, F.L. Finger, D.M. Ribeiro and L.C.S. Marques

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 864:357-360. 2010.



Influence of ethylene absorber on shelf life of papaya


This work had the goal to evaluate the influence of ethylene absorber on shelf life of papaya cv. Sunrise Solo stored under modified atmosphere for nine days at 25°C. The fruits were separated in two sets and put inside of a low density polyethylene (0.025 mm thick) bag, containing or not commercial Retarder® (KmnO4 based) at dose of 8 g/kg of fruit. The degree on ripening and quality were evaluated based on pulp firmness, skin color and loss of fresh matter. The data showed that the absorber was able to retard the process of ripening, keeping the fruits firmer and with less intensity of color changes after nine days of storage, when compared to the fruits wrapped without the Retarder®. The presence of the Retarder® inside the polyethylene bag did not affect the fresh matter loss during the experiment.