
Nano-silver pulse treatments inhibit stem-end bacteria on cut gerbera cv. Ruikou flowers

Jiping Liu, Shenggen He, Zhaoqi Zhang, Jinping Cao, Peitao Lv, Sudan He, Guiping Cheng and Daryl C. Joyce

Postharvest Biology and Technology,Volume 54, Issue 1, October 2009, Pages 59-62



Nano-silver pulse treatments inhibit stem-end bacteria on cut gerbera cv. Ruikou flowers


Nanometer-sized silver (Ag+) particles (NS) are used in various applications as an anti-microbial. Effects of NS (2–5 nm diam.) pulse solution treatments on vase life of cut gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) cv. Ruikou flowers were investigated. Compared with the control [pulsed with deionised water (DI) and subsequently held in DI] pulsing for 24 h with 5 mg/L NS solution followed by holding in DI maintained water uptake and extended vase life. From in vitro and microscopy assessments, NS pulse treatment inhibited bacteria growth in the vase solution and at cut stem ends during the first 2 d of the vase period.