

สุขอังคณาลีปริวรรตนาสวาสดิ์วิทยาอินทร์สอน และ อดุลย์จรรยาเลิศอดุลย์

วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์เกษตร 43 (3พิเศษ):51-54. 2555.



An Application of Quality Function Deployment in the Design of the Infrared Radiation Machine

This research presents the design process of the infrared machine. The objective is to design and develop the prototype infrared machine for disinfestations for organicThai Hom Mali rice. This prototype machine must fulfill customer requirements in efficiency and suitable for rice mill production rate.  Therefore, Quality Function Deployment: QFD with 4-phase model was used. The requirements of customer were divided into 4 phases include: (1) Product Planning (2) Product Design (3) Process Planningและ(4) Production Operations Planning. The 25 populations were from Nabakrue organic-agricultural group, Mahachanachai, Yasothon province. All requirements were analyzed. The Prototype machine has strong structure for endurance and operation safety. The operation gave no contaminant in rice. The efficiency of machine was satisfied. It was found that the average of satisfactory increased from 3.81 to 4.43 or equivalent to 16.27 percent increased.