
Ochratoxin A decontamination: A review

Susana Amézqueta, Elena González-Peñas, María Murillo-Arbizu and Adela López de Cerain

Food Control, Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 326-333



Ochratoxin A decontamination: A review

Ochratoxin A(OTA) is a toxic metabolite produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium fungi. As it can contaminate a wide variety of foodstuffs, maximum permitted levels have been established by the EU and other countries. The methods currently employed to prevent OTA contamination in different commodities are reviewed. Pre-harvest strategies are the most efficient. They are aimed to reduce fungal infection by aplying good agricultural practices. During harvest, the use of clean farming equipment, mechanical damage prevention and overripe or fermented fruits discard are convenient practices. In the post-harvest, storage is the most critical phase. Environmental conditions, in particular moisture and temperature, have to be well-controlled in this stage. Detoxificating treatments and products with protecting effects against OTA toxic action are also outlined.