
Studies on effect of biocides and sucrose on vase life and quality of cut gerbera (Gerbera Jamesonii) cv. Maron Dementine

D. Singh, P. Vaidya, U. Fatmi and J.P. Collis

Book of Abstracts.International Conference on Quality Management in Supply Chains of Ornamentals. 21-24 February, 2012. Golden Tulip Sovereign Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.



Studies on effect of biocides and sucrose on vase life and quality of cut gerbera (Gerbera Jamesonii) cv. Maron Dementine

Gerbera (Gerbera Jamesonii) Belongs to family compositeae has occupied a proud position among the top ten at flowers of world trade by the attractive and beautiful flowers. Gerber has a great economic value for Cut flower purpose. It is essential to maintain flower freshness and original colur for a longer period by increasing the shelf life and reducing the post-harvest losses.An experiment was carried out in the laboratory of department of horticulture, SHIATS, Allahabad during winter season of year 2005-2006. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design (CRD) with nine treatments replicated thrice. The effect of different  concentration of sucrose (3% and 4%), silver nitrate (20 ppm and 40 ppm), Aluminium sulpahte (200 ppm and 400ppm) and 8- Hydroxy quinoline citrate (200ppm and 400 ppm in combination and one control. It was observed that treatment T4 (Sucrose 4% Ag No3 400ppm) and T8 (Sucrose 4% +8-HQC 400ppm) gave better at per results. And T8 has least cost of maintenance. Therefore T4 and T8 may be recommended as commercial use for enhancing the vase life and quality of cut Gerbera cv. Maron dementine.