
Effects of Benzothiadiazole on storability and quality of loquat in low temperature

Z.W. Zhang, S.J. Zhu, J.J. Zhong, L.J. Zhang, J.H. Cai and X.W. Rao

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 887:357-362.2011.



Effects of Benzothiadiazole on storability and quality of loquat in low temperature

Benzothiadiazole (BTH) is a new type of plant protectant that can activate systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants. However, there has been little information available about whether or not it affects the performance of fruits stored in low temperature. We observed that BTH treatment delayed the increase of relative electrical conductivity, reduced pulp firmness and lignin content, and maintained higher contents of total soluble solids and titratable acid. These results suggest that BTH reduced chilling injury and maintained fruit quality of loquat stored at low temperature.