
Monitoring of Hayward (Actinidia deliciosa) fruit ripening in North-West Italy

S. Pellegrino, F. Costamagna, M. Noferini and G. Costa

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 913:665-669.2011.



Monitoring of Hayward (Actinidia deliciosa) fruit ripening in North-West Italy

The ripening stage at harvest affect fruit quality at consumption and storage life. When harvest is performed early, fruits loose quality and may undergo a precocious softening during storage. In North-western areas of Italy (Piedmont region) latitude imposes harvest period that might compromise between a minimum ripening stage at harvest and the risk of yield losses due to fall early frosts and this situation further complicate the definition of the proper harvest time. To assess more precisely the harvest, a monitoring of the maturation and ripening evolution of ‘Hayward’ fruits was performed with both destructive and non-destructive methods. Fruits characterized by different ripening stage were also used for a sensory analysis to characterize and evaluate fruit organoleptic quality.