
Residual effect of atomised water vapour treatment on carbohydrate metabolism during ripening of cv Fino de Jete cherimoya fruit

Rafael Alique, Pilar Luna, Teresa Hernández and M. Angel Martínez

European Food Research and Technology, 229, Number 4, 661-669, 2009



Residual effect of atomised water vapour treatment on carbohydrate metabolism during ripening of cv Fino de Jete cherimoya fruit

Atomised hot water vapour at between 46 and 54 °C for 60 min was tested as a method of delaying ripening and extending shelf life in cv “Fino de Jete” cherimoya fruit (Annona cherimola Mill.). Heat treatment at 46 °C stimulated the respiration rate and starch degradation, induced ethylene production, increased the accumulation of soluble sugars and α-amylase activity, and moved the onset of ethylene production (OEP) forward. Treatment at 50 °C, and especially at 52 °C, delayed the climacteric peak and the OEP, decreased sugar and organic acid accumulation, and reduced α-amylase and invertase activity. The results obtained indicate that temperatures higher than 48 °C slowed physiological processes and carbohydrate metabolism and extend the shelf life of the cherimoya fruits, while temperatures higher than 52 °C blocked ripening irreversibly.