
Supply chain configuration of baby corn packhouse in Thailand based on SCOR model

A. Rattanachai, V. Srilaong, S. Kanlayanarat, T. Wasusri, K. Tanprasert

Acta Horticulturae 989: 235-238. 2013.



The SCOR model has been used to configure supply chains as a business strategy, and is originally founded on five distinct management processes, namely, Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return. In this study, the SCOR model was used to assess packhouses as part of supply chain configuration of baby corn (Zea mays Linn.) which is an important commercial and export crop in Thailand, the world’s largest exporting country. The baby corn supply chain has five sectors: growers, suppliers, packhouse, supermarket, and consumers. Using a structured questionnaire, an in-depth interview of packhouse operators was conducted. Process definitions (level 1) consisted of five different process types: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and Return for the information flow and physical flow. At the process type level (level 2), more details were introduced in the SCOR model. Future plans were introduced to improve efficiency and effectiveness of packhouses based on supply chain management philosophy. Supply chain configuration of packhouse is discussed.