
Can iodomethane replace methyl bromide as a fumigant?

M.S. Daneel, W.P. Steyn

Acta Horticulturae 1007: 409-416.



Methyl bromide is a broad spectrum pesticide used for the control of insects, weeds, rodents and pathogens. Its use is currently being phased out and the product is scheduled to be completely discontinued in 2015. Over the last decade many alternative products have been tested but few have proven to be able to replace methyl bromide. In this study, iodomethane or MIDAS has been evaluated as a replacement fumigant for methyl bromide. Vegetable trials were executed to determine efficacy towards nematode and weed control. Different dosages ranging from 25 to 50 g/m2 as well as application methods including hot gas and shanking were evaluated but were always compared with an untreated control and methyl bromide at 50 g/m2. Results showed that iodomethane performed similarly to methyl bromide or better for all the crops that were tested. All iodomethane treatments performed significantly better than the untreated control in terms of nematode and weed control as well as yield.