
Effect of fruit maturity on efficiency of 1-methylcyclopropene to delay the ripening of bananas

D. R. Harris, J. A. Seberry, R. B. H. Wills and L. J. Spohr

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 303-308



Effect of fruit maturity on efficiency of 1-methylcyclopropene to delay the ripening of bananas

Three bunches of unripe `Williams' banana fruit of different maturity, 173, 156 and 71 days from bunch emergence, were harvested. Fruit from the top, bottom and middle hands from each bunch were fumigated for 24 h with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) at 0, 5, 50 or 500 nl l-1 at 20oC. All fruit were then stored at 20oC in air containing 0.1 l l-1 ethylene and the time taken for each fruit to ripen (green life) was noted. The green life of fruit treated with 500 nl l-1 1-MCP varied with fruit maturity. In the two most mature bunches it was 27.9±2.3 days, 4-fold longer than fruit fumigated with 0 nl l-1 1-MCP (6.7±0.6 days). In the least mature bunch, green life was 39.7±3.0 days, 1.5-fold longer than fruit fumigated with 0 nl l-1 1-MCP (25.7±2.5 days). Most fruit treated with 500 nl l-1 1-MCP showed an unacceptable uneven skin colouration when ripe. There was no significant effect on green life of 1-MCP at 50 nl l-1 and 5 nl l-1. Other fruit from these bunches were not exposed to 1-MCP and were held in ethylene-free air until ripe. In the two most mature bunches, these fruit had a significantly shorter green life (11.2±5.6 days in hand 1; 18.9±4.1 days in hands 4 and 6) than fruit that were fumigated with 500 nl l-1 1-MCP. In the least mature bunch, however, these fruit had a significantly longer green life (56.0±5.9 days) than 1-MCP treated fruit. Since the effectiveness of 1-MCP varied with fruit maturity and in any commercial consignment there is a mixture of fruit maturity, it is concluded that 1-MCP has limited commercial potential for the storage of unripe `Williams' bananas.