
Cultivar differences in the influence of a short period of cold storage on ethylene biosynthesis in apples

C. Larrigaudiere, J. Graell, J. Salas and M. Vendrell

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-27



Cultivar differences in the influence of a short period of cold storage on ethylene biosynthesis in apples

The effects of exposing three apple (Malus domestica Borkh) cultivars to various periods at 20°C with regard to changes in ACC, MACC, ACC oxidase and ethylene evolution were investigated. The cultivars used were `Royal Gala', `Starking Delicious' and `Granny Smith', representing early, mid-season and late-maturing crops, respectively. The fruit were held at either 20 or 1°C for 32 days, or exposed to 1°C for 10 days and then transferred to 20°C for 22 days. ACC levels rose steadily at 20°C for `Royal Gala' and `Starking Delicious', but remained low in `Granny Smith'. In persistent cold, ACC levels were inhibited except in `Granny Smith' where they were stimulated. A short period of cold induced intermediate behaviour. MACC values generally followed those of ACC, except in `Granny Smith' where they remained low, even when cold-induced ACC levels were rising. ACC oxidase activity again rose at 20°C in `Royal Gala' and `Starking Delicious', but it was slow to respond in `Granny Smith'. Activity was always low when cold conditions were imposed. Short cold periods merely postponed activity rises in `Royal Gala' and `Starking Delicious', but stimulated activity in `Granny Smith'. Ethylene output closely followed ACC oxidase activity levels. Thus a short period of cold induced ethylene production in `Royal Gala' after a few days, was faster in `Starking Delicious' (almost immediately) and was particularly effective in `Granny Smith' fruit. This illustrated the differential effect of cold stimulation on the three apple cultivars. Such knowledge could aid more efficient apple storage.