
Investigation of proteins in petals of potted chrysanthemum as a potential indicator of longevity

Michelle H. Williams, Terril A. Nell and James E. Barrett

Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol: 5 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 91-100



Investigation of proteins in petals of potted chrysanthemum as a potential indicator of longevity

The SDS-PAGE protein profiles of four potted chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendrantrema grandiflora Tzvelev.) with flower longevities of 17-25 days were determined from flowering to senescence. The chrysanthemum flower is non-climacteric and therefore ethylene does not appear to play a role in flower senescence, during which only minor changes in both the protein content and the proportion of the major polypeptides were observed. This apparent stability of the proteins may contribute to the long post-harvest life of chrysanthemum flowers. Of the major polypeptides only a few increased in proportion from flowering to senescence. A 40 kDA polypeptide increased from flowering to senescence in two short-lived cultivars `Yellow Tara' and `Orinda' and in the long-lived cultivar `Dana'. Polypeptides at 45 and 65 kDa increased in two long-lived cultivars `Eureka' and `Dana', and the 65 kDa polypeptide also increased in the short-lived `Orinda" cultivar. The increase in these polypeptides during flower senescence is of particular interest because they may be linked to flower longevity.