
Thermal/physical properties affect predicted weight loss of fresh peaches.

Whitelock, D.P., Brusewitz G. H. , and Ghajar A. J.

Transactions of the ASAE, Volume 42, Issue 4 , July/Aug 1999, p. 1047-1053



Thermal/physical properties affect predicted weight loss of fresh peaches.

Many product thermal/physical properties used as model inputs are highly variable and some have not been independently determined. The chosen values of these properties can affect the accuracy of weight loss predictions. Peaches were selected as the product to study and three parameters, skin mass transfer coefficient (k(s)), vapor-pressure lowering effect of dissolved solutes (VPL), and radius were identified as having considerable influence on predicted weight loss at 5 to 25 degrees C, 50 to 100% RH, and 0.005 to 5.0 m/s air velocity conditions. The effects of k(s) on predicted weight loss decreased with higher relative humidity and air velocity and lower temperature. VPL affected predicted weight loss most at higher temperature, and lower velocity and relative humidity. Varying input values of k(s) and VPL resulted in predicted weight loss ranges that encompassed 71% of experimental weight loss values for peaches and those values not falling within the predicted values were mostly (88%) underpredicted.