
Sensory quality of irradiated onion and garlic bulbs.

Curzio, O.A. and Urioste A. M.

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Volume 18, Number 2, June 1994. pp. 149-158 .



Sensory quality of irradiated onion and garlic bulbs.

The radioinhibition process has shown to prolong shelf-life of "Valenciana sintetica 14" onion variety and "Colorado" garlic variety. Sensory attributes of the irradiated bulbs were tested monthly by trained judges during extended storage in warehouse conditions (6-32C, R.H. 40-50%). The sensory properties observed were external and internal appearance, firmness and odor. The irradiated bulbs were judged to be superior in quality with respect to internal and external appearance (p < 0.01) and firmness (p < 0.01), after 180 days postharvest. The irradiated bulbs showed no difference in odor (p < 0.05), when compared to unirradiated ones, through the storage period.