
Polyamine uptake does not affect floral longevity in miniature potted roses

Serek, M. and Andersen, A. S.

HortScience Vol: 29 Issue: 3 Pages: 196-198.



Polyamine uptake does not affect floral longevity in miniature potted roses.

Postharvest life of Rosa hybrida L. 'Elegance Parade' was increased by 0.2 mM silver thiosulfate and decreased by ethephon at 500 microliters.liter-1. In contrast, spraying the plants with various polyamine (PA) concentrations (spermine, spermidine, or putrescine) or the PA-synthesis inhibitor methylglyoxal-guanylhydrazone did not affect postharvest life. Investigation of PA-uptake patterns showed that the compounds were entering the petal tissue.