
Pyrrolnitrin delays postharvest fruit rot in strawberries.

Takeda, F.; Janisiewicz, W. J.; Roitman, J.; Mahoney, N.; Abeles, F. B.;

HortScience Year: 1990 Vol: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 320-322 Ref: 11 ref.



Pyrrolnitrin delays postharvest fruit rot in strawberries.

Postharvest treatment with pyrrolnitrin isolated from Pseudomonas cepacia at 250 mg/litre and low storage temp. delay postharvest rot development in autumn-harvested Tribute strawberries. Untreated fruit stored at 18 deg C developed grey mould fruit rot (Botrytis cinerea) and Rhizopus rot (leak) by the second day. Fruit that did not develop grey mould or leak eventually developed blue mould rot (Penicillium spp.). No rot was observed at 1 deg , but grey mould and Rhizopus rots developed after berries were transferred to 18 deg . Pyrrolnitrin delayed the appearance of the various rots by 2-4 d, but did not reduce the rate of rot development.