
Evaluacion de la perdida de calidad de la semilla de cafe durante su beneficio.

Sierra Garzon, F.; Fernandez Quintero, A.; Roa Mejia, G.; Arcila Pulgarin, J.;

13th International scientific colloquium on coffee, Paipa (Colombia), 21-25 August 1989. Year: 1990 Pages: 262-271 Ref: 16 ref.



Evaluation of the loss of coffee seed quality during processing.

Procedures involved in the processing of cv. Colombia seeds (which include pulping, transporting and washing in tubes, and drying in trays) and their effects on seed germinability were studied. The rotation velocity and volume of water used in 2 pulping machines having horizontal axes were studied. During the washing and transportation process, the relationship between the amount of water and the seed mass, the hydraulic heads, and the number of passages in a closed circuit were considered. During the drying process, the effects of temperature and air flow were evaluated. Practical recommendations are made, based on the results.