
Colour evaluation of pigmented grapefruit.

Bower, J.; Kleynhans, S.; Rabe, E.;

Citrus Journal Year: 1991 Vol: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 36-38 Ref: 7 ref.



Colour evaluation of pigmented grapefruit.

A procedure for determining lycopene content in fruit pulp is described which can be used to determine fruit flesh colour intensity and to establish colour standards for pigmented grapefruit cultivars. Using beta -carotene standards, 94% recovery was attained. The good correlation between fruit lycopene concentration and visual class assessed by a panel showed that pigmented grapefruit cultivars could be divided into 3 classes (Rose type, an intermediate type and Star Ruby type). The effects on lycopene content of climatic and cultural factors such as fruit age, orchard location, scion cultivar, rootstock, fruit size, postharvest conditions and fruit position on the tree were also determined in trials in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swaziland and are reported. Climate (sunshine hours and temperature) was the most important preharvest factor which had a significant bearing on lycopene concentration and hence on the intensity of flesh pigmentation. This indicated the importance of site selection and orchard design. It is therefore recommended that hot areas with high sunshine hours should be selected and that row spacing and orientation should be chosen to give maximum light interception.