Southeastern apple integrated pest management.
Horton, D. L.; Pfeiffer, D. G.; Hendrix, F. F., Jr.;
Sustainable agriculture research and education in the field: a proceedings. Held 3-4 April 1990. Year: 1991 Pages: 165-182 Ref: 34 ref.
Work on arthropod pests and diseases of apples in the southeastern USA is reviewed, including postharvest removal of sooty blotch (caused by Gloeodes pomigena) and flyspeck (caused by Zygophiala jamaicensis [Schizothyrium pomi]), chlorine treatment effects on pesticide residues, shelf life of chlorine-treated apples, mating disruption of arthropod pests, a ground cover management inventory, the toxicity of pesticide applications to predatory arthropods and IPM trials by growers in Georgia.