
Occurrence of fruit rot of melon in Kagoshima Prefecture.

Izumi, S.; Kami, T.;

Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu Year: 1991 Vol: 37 Pages: 27-31 Ref: 6 ref.



Mango stem end rot pathogens - infection levels between flowering and harvest.

During flowering and fruit set of mango, colonization by fungi (Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Dothiorella dominicana, Dothiorella mangiferae, Dothiorella sp., Epicoccum purpurascens [E. nigrum] and Pestalotiopsis sp.) increased as the flowers senesced and young fruit formed. In the third week after flowering, the incidence of D. dominicana and D. mangiferae associated with mango fruit-pedicel connection tissue declined coincidentally with early fruit-fall, and it was suggested that early infections by Dothiorella spp. may cause fruitlet abortion. Dothiorella spp. levels in fruit-pedicel connection tissue remained low for the subsequent 6 weeks, after which they increased. By 16 weeks after flowering, the incidence of Dothiorella spp., determined by isolation from fruit-pedicel connection tissue, was similar to the incidence of stem end rot caused by Dothiorella spp., which developed in fruit harvested at that time. By contrast, the frequency of detection of Dothiorella spp. in peduncle tissue peaked 11 weeks after flowering, when the levels of stem end rot developing in fruit were already similar to the levels recorded in fruit harvested at 16 weeks and later. It is suggested that in fruit and fruit-pedicel tissue, colonization might arise from Dothiorella spp. occurring endophytically in the peduncle. The earliest indicator of stem end rot incidence at harvest was the infection level in peduncle tissue sampled 11 weeks after flowering. It is concluded that early assays of peduncle tissue for Dothiorella spp. might prove useful for selecting crops with low stem end rot infection levels.