
Review of prices of agricultural inputs and outputs.

Afzal, M., Salam, A., Ashiq, M. and Khan, M. I. A.

Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Economics Year: 1992 Vol: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 1-11



Review of prices of agricultural inputs and outputs.

Support prices are guaranteed minimum prices meant to provide a floor to the market in the immediate postharvest period. The analysis of Pakistani data shows that support prices of important crops during 1986/87 and 1991/92 have moved in sympathy with their costs of production. Market prices during postharvest periods generally ruled higher than their corresponding support prices. The support price system did not interfere with the working of the free market. International parity prices of wheat, Basmati rice and cotton remained higher than domestic prices, pointing to implicit taxation of these commodities, while parity prices were lower for IRRI rice and sugarcane in some years. The margin of profit in sugarcane and cotton was higher than in wheat and rice. In the case of IRRI paddy in the Punjab, the margin was even negative.