
'Hosui' fruit (Pyrus serotina) grown in New Zealand is nonclimacteric.

Tian, M. S.; Hewett, E. W.; Lill, R. E.;

New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science Year: 1992 Vol: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 371-375 Ref: 15 ref.



'Hosui' fruit (Pyrus serotina) grown in New Zealand is nonclimacteric.

Changes in FW, flesh firmness, soluble solids, skin colour, respiration rate, internal ethylene concentration and ethylene production were assessed for Japanese pear (P. serotina [P. pyrifolia] cv. Hosui) fruits during maturation. Fruits were harvested 26, 14, 11, 4 or 0 days before the optimum harvest date (based on skin colour). Fruit FW, soluble solids content and skin colour grade increased, whereas firmness and respiration rate decreased with fruit maturity at harvest, but internal ethylene and ethylene production remained undetectable. In a separate trial, TSS content and colour grade increased, but fruit firmness decreased during 15 days' storage at 21 deg C. Ripening characteristics were investigated by measuring the respiration rate and ethylene production of fruits treated with propylene during maturation. Fruit respiration rate was enhanced in the presence of 0.5% propylene and declined upon removal of the gas. Ethylene production was not enhanced by exposure to propylene and remained at undetectable levels through the experiment. The results suggest that Hosui fruits grown in New Zealand are non-climacteric.